With getting the house ready for the new baby (how do babies have so much laundry???) and me getting tired again, I'm not sure what if any sewing projects I'll be able to get done this month. But at least I'm caught up on my must-do's:
- my photo scrapbooks are done up to January 2008 (a huge improvement since I left them at October 2006 for over a year)
- my diaper bag is done (a huge project but a great sense of accomplishment!)
- my new covers for my Boppy pillow are done (one of those projects that isn't on a to do list, but suddenly appears and MUST be done ASAP!)
- all the pillows, valance, etc. for the basement & bathroom are done
- all the projects for DS's new room are done (valance, big nap pillow, body pillow)
- I sewed on a button for DH ;)
A lot of the projects on my to do list are really things that would be nice to make, not need to make. The quilt for the basement has been in progress since February, so there's no need to rush to finish it now! I'm sure I'll sneak in time to make some pants for DS (I have so many cute prints for him) and of course I'll get started on some holiday gifts in the fall. I guess I won't be able to post too much about those though, but I can give teaser pics!
I've really been sewing a ton these last several months, so you might see me dip back in the past a bit and showcase some of those projects. :)